Clean Your Sofa or Couch

People polishes floor indoors

Baking soda can help remove any lingering smells and also break up any stains on the fabric. First, brush off the surface of the couch, then sprinkle baking soda on the area you want to clean. Just let it sit for about 20 minutes and then vacuum it up using the brush attachment.

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Sanitize your Computer

3d rendering of interior conference room

There are certain chemicals you should never use on or anywhere near your computer, including: AcetoneEthyl AlcoholTolueneEthyl AcidAmmoniaMethyl ChlorideIt is best when cleaning your computer to use a microfiber cloth instead of paper towels. Never spray the product directly on the screen.

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Clean Up Spilled Glitter

Cleaning the floor with machine

I used to call glitter “fairy dust.” When my granddaughters were good, I would sprinkle “fairy dust” on their hair. They loved it, but I would have “fairy dust” to clean up afterward. The good news is I found a solution to my problem and maybe yours.If you have glitter around, you probably have Play-Doh…

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Don’t want to use bug poison

Conference Room

Do you live in Florida? Do you sometimes have bugs? If you have small children or if you are concerned about using poison in your home, this is something to keep in mind. You can use Pin Sol as a bug repellent. Put Pine-Sol full strength in a spray bottle and use it as an…

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